This semester (Fall 2020), I employed a teaching strategy, inspired by something I did last semester (Spring 2020) when the classes abruptly moved online. I created a discussion space for the students to share with me their apprehensions on remote learning. Many students who are used to on-campus classes are apprehensive about the remote learning, and those apprehensions have not lessened any. So to find out what the student apprehensions are for this semester and how can I address them I thought it was a no-brainer to hear from them. And I’m sharing in this post the patterns found in their concerns with the hope that other teachers might benefit.
Before start of the Fall classes, I created a google form and shared it with my students to find out their concerns. I identified patterns in their concerns, grouped them, and outlined how I plan to address them. I believe knowing some of these concerns helps me adapt my pedagogy, plan better, embed flexibility, and assess various course requirements. Most importantly, this exercise demonstrates to the students that I’m at least making an effort at accommodating their issues, an important trust-building exercise at the start of a course.